At its Annual Membership Meeting on October 21, 2020, the Tourism Council of Frederick County’s Board President Scott Wisnom announced that the Literacy Council is the recipient of this year’s Visit Frederick Ambassador of the Year Award for teaching workplace English to hotel housekeeping staff. “This year I am proud to say that our Ambassador of the Year...
Archives: <span>Timeline Express Announcements</span>
2021 – New Position at the Literacy Council of Frederick County
The position of Program Coordinator was added to our staff.
2021 – ScrabbleMania for Literacy
ScrabbleMania for Literacy was held virtually in partnership with SureLocked In Escape Games and the silent auction was held online.
2021 – A New Workplace Literacy Program Partner
a manufacturing employer, ProList, Inc., joined the Workplace Literacy Program
2020 – Reflections: Voices of English Learners
Adult learners, volunteers, and Board and community members gathered virtually on December 10th to celebrate the publication of the 3rd edition of the Literacy Council’s inspiring literary magazine, Reflections: Voices of English Learners featuring stories written by our students. Learn more
2020 – 7th annual Celebration of Achievements
Our 7th annual Celebration of Achievements, held virtually, is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of our adult learners this year. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, our students remained dedicated to their goals of learning, continuing their classes and tutoring remotely after our programs went online in March! Learn more
2020 – LCFC Offers Distance Learning During Covid-19
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the office shut down on March 16 for many months. By April classes and tutoring had resumed on virtual platforms, and by September tutors were being trained on Zoom. Staff and volunteer coordinators worked remotely. Student intakes and assessments were conducted remotely, and learning materials were set up for curbside...
2019 – LCFC Named ‘One of the Best’ Nonprofits by the Catalogue for Philanthropy
The Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington selected the Literacy Council of Frederick County to be part of its Class of 2019-20. The Literacy Council underwent a rigorous review by a team of experts, and met the Catalogue’s high standards. The Catalogue believes in the power of small nonprofits to spark big change. And they believe...
2019 – New Class Added for Hospitality Industry
A new Workplace English class has been added for the Hospitality industry. Workplace English instructors visit local job sites to teach the English skills that non-native English speaking employees need to know.
2015 – New Giving Societies Announced
The Literacy Council’s new Giving Societies were announced by Board member Ric Adams at the Celebration of Achievements held on May 12, 2015. These Giving Societies will recognize businesses, foundations and individuals who step forward as philanthropic leaders to advance the mission of helping adults to achieve personal goals and integrate more fully into the...