Reflections: Voices of English Learners

A literary magazine of stories and poems written by students of the Literacy Council of Frederick County with their newly learned English skills.

Reflections: Voices of English Learners is a literary magazine of stories and poems written by students of the Literacy Council of Frederick County with their newly learned English skills.

Reflections is a united effort between our adult learners, volunteer tutors, staff, and sponsors, guided by Catherine Coundjeris, founding editor, and Julie Heifetz, founding co-editor. Catherine also serves as a volunteer Literacy Council English as a Second Language (ESL) Coordinator and instructor for our Writing Classes, where many students craft their stories for publication.

Submission to Reflections is open to all of our adult learners at the Literacy Council, including native English speakers and English language learners. We are always amazed at the excellence of writing we are presented with by students who are at different levels of language acquisition.

Click on any of the cover images below to read the digital copies!

Seventh Edition, 2024

Sixth Edition, 2023

Fifth Edition, 2022

Fourth Edition, 2021

Third Edition, 2020

Second Edition, 2019

First Edition, 2018

The Literacy Council would like to thank our 2023 edition Reflections sponsors!


Jane & John Ketchum