Enter into a conversation with Literacy Council volunteer tutor Hilary Pettigrew and soon you will find yourself taken by her warmth, humor, and of course, that Glaswegian accent. “I’m originally from the United Kingdom, so I always add that when I say that I’m from New Jersey.” The accent gives her away every time. After...
Learner Spotlight: Reflections 6th Edition Literary Magazine Highlights Student Authors
An expectant audience of Literacy Council adult learners, their families, event sponsors, volunteer tutors, staff and members of the Board of Directors came together for a Sixth Edition Book Launch event on February 22nd to celebrate the publication of the Literacy Council of Frederick County’s literary magazine, Reflections: Voices of English Learners. Sharon Jacko, Board...
2024 Unity Campaign
The Literacy Council is again honored to be one of 36 nonprofit organizations participating in the Unity Campaign for Frederick County, hosted by United Way of Frederick County. The Unity Campaign supports the over one in three households in Frederick County that struggle to afford basic human necessities! The campaign is focused on funding programs directly supporting the...
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Erin
When Erin Runkles was looking for another way to make good use of her skills as an English teacher in 2021, she came across the website for the Literacy Council of Frederick County. “I knew nothing about it, but I gave it a try,” and three years later, Erin continues as a volunteer with the...
Learner Spotlight: Winter ESL Book Club Explores “Songbirds”
The Winter English as a Second Language (ESL) Book Club at the Literacy Council met for three sessions and enjoyed the poetic words and moving story of Christy Lefteri in Songbirds. It was an edge of your seat read that had elements of literary fiction as well as mystery and suspense. Lefteri, a child of...
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Cyndi – Sharing the Legacy of Literacy
We are so grateful for each of our volunteers. If it were not for their tireless work, we could not successfully do the work that we do. One of those volunteers is Cyndi McNamara. Cyndi recently joined as a volunteer tutor in memory of her father, Gene Beall, a long-time tutor. Her own commitment to community service...
Learner Spotlight: It’s Working! Literacy Council Expands Workplace Program
Sometimes the best-laid plans do succeed. This certainly is the case for the Literacy Council of Frederick County. Plans to expand its Workplace Literacy Program were given the green light last year in the form of a multi-year grant from the Maryland Department of Commerce, Office of Tourism. The Council finds itself now ready to...
Learner Spotlight: Meet Ana
The following Impact Story is being shared from The Community Foundation of Frederick County’s 2023 Annual Report to the Community Fourteen years ago Ana moved to the U.S. from Mexico with her husband and son. Since moving to Frederick her family has grown to include two daughters, now ten and 8 years old. There are...
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Sharon – 2023 Wertheimer Fellow
When Sharon Jacko was recruited in 2019 as a member of the Literacy Council Board of Directors, she shared a memory of her mother: “{She} taught me the importance of reading at a very early age. I know how many doors were open for me because I could read. With my involvement in the community,...
Learner Spotlight: 2023 Celebration of Achievements Spotlights Learners, Volunteers and Community
The Literacy Council held its 9th Celebration of Achievements event on November 2nd at the Delaplaine Arts Center, a joyful occasion recognizing our adult learners who completed classes and accomplished milestone achievements this past year. Hosted by the Board of Directors, the evening was enjoyed by students and their families, volunteer tutors and class instructors, and...