Giving Societies

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The Campaign for Literacy Giving Societies

In 2016, in honor of founding members Kay Mackley and Dolly Engle and President Emeritus Caroline Gaver, the Board of Directors established The Campaign for Literacy Giving Societies of the Literacy Council of Frederick County. This initiative recognizes the businesses, individuals, foundations, and organizations whose ongoing generosity has enabled our organization to empower over 9,250 adults to become literate, not only improving their quality of life and their economic opportunities but also contributing to the overall economic vitality of our community. Giving Society members are recognized in our annual reports.

Become a Giving Society Member

The following Giving Societies pay tribute to both the distinguished individuals for whom they are named and the benefactors whose financial gifts and goodwill ambassadorship liberally support the Literacy Council. They are also intended to inspire others to follow their lead and help Literacy Lift Lives in Frederick County.

Kay Mackley Giving Society

Recognizes foundations and organizations that have given $1,000 or more in the last fiscal year. 


Dolly Engle Giving Society

Recognizes businesses that have given $500 or more in the last fiscal year.

Caroline Gaver Giving Society

Recognizes individuals who have given $500 or more in the last fiscal year.

Leadership Giving Society

Recognizes foundations, organizations, businesses and individuals who have supported the Literacy Council through financial gifts over many years and have given $5,000 or more over their lifetimes.  


Recognition Giving Society

Recognizes individuals, businesses, foundations, and organizations who have supported the Literacy Council through financial gifts over many years and have given $500 or more over their lifetimes.

Legacy Giving Society

Recognizes individuals who have committed to a planned gift to the Literacy Council in their will.

Ways to Give

The Literacy Council welcomes all levels of financial support to carry out our mission and provides multiple ways to give. Every dollar counts!  Gifts of an ongoing, cumulative nature qualify the donor for recognition in the Giving Societies described on this page.

General Contribution

Make a general contribution to be applied to any Literacy Council need.

Designate a Purpose

Designate a particular purpose for the use of your gift.

In Honor or Remembrance of Someone Special

Give a contribution or bequest to honor or remember someone special.

Estate Planning

Include the Literacy Council in your estate planning.

Literacy Council’s Endowment Fund

Help build the Literacy Council’s endowment fund through a gift to the Betty Seligmann Literacy Endowment Fund, established at the Community Foundation of Frederick County with her family’s support in memory of the Literacy Council’s first tutor trainer.

Recognition of Giving Society Members

  • Inclusion in the Literacy Council of Frederick County’s annual reports.
  • Invitation to the annual Celebration of Achievements celebrated each year.

For more information about the Giving Societies program and other ways to make a difference through financial support, please contact Denise Hill, Executive Director, at (301) 600-2066 or

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