Tutor Monthly Report
New Tutor and Class Instructor Monthly Reporting Procedures
The Literacy Council uses a student management database from LiteracyPro called “LACES” that is designed to support adult literacy programs. This program enables us to more effectively track and report on our tutoring, community classes, workplace, and parent literacy programs.
Active tutors and community instructors should have already received an email from “LACES Application” on how to create your account for the first time. The message will include your login ID and link. The link is only valid for seven days. Please click on the link and create a password as soon as possible to activate your account and begin reporting.
After you have created your account, you will log into LACES at: https://laces.literacypro.com/laces and follow these instructions to enter your hours each month for your tutoring and/or class sessions. You may also click below to watch a tutorial video.
Click HERE to watch a Tutor/Class Instructor Monthly Report Tutorial!
Please contact us if you need additional assistance, or if you did not receive an activation email.
Holly Bohman | ESL Coordinator
Lynn Bruton | Basic Literacy Coordinator |
Catherine Coundjeris | ESL Coordinator |
Alix Cooney | ESL Coordinator |
Nancy Gibbons | Director of Operations |
Allison Rice | Program Coordinator |
Jenna Caruso | Office /Program Administrator
You can also leave a message at our office at (301) 600-2066 or send an email to our general mailbox at info@frederickliteracy.org and we will follow up with you directly.
Thank you!