Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Rich

Rich participated extensively in our most recent strategic planning efforts and in the development of our new “Literacy Lifts Lives” messaging to help communicate how literacy is a critical issue in our community. His stewardship efforts include writing many personal thank you notes so that every donor receives a hand-written message. Rich also helped the Literacy Council to develop its Giving Societies program. In November, 2021, he was recognized as a Distinguished Volunteer by the Association of Fundraising Professionals on National Philanthropy Day for his work with the Literacy Council.

“Rich Haney has been a real asset to the Literacy Council Board of Directors. During his seven years, the Literacy Council has experienced significant growth and development. His vision has helped establish our Strategic Planning Committee, improve our data system, and provide prompt recognition for gifts given. Rich has left his imprint in many ways and will be missed. Thank you, Rich.” Jim Grissom, Immediate Past President
Thank you for your years of service, and we wish you all the best in your ever present work in our community! We know you are just a short walk away!!
Last year, more than 120 passionate and dedicated volunteers contributed over 13,000 hours supporting the tutoring, class, parent and workplace literacy programs. The Literacy Council is always seeking volunteers, including class facilitators and instructors! Learn more by registering for a 60-minute Volunteer Information Session offered every month, followed by a Tutor Training Workshop. All sessions and workshops are currently conducted online.